Arctic Carbon + Ecosystems

As the planet warms, plants respond by increasing their productivity and carbon uptake, offsetting a greater portion of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. The feedbacks in this system are especially complex in the Arctic, as warming both increases respiration and degrades permafrost, releasing carbon back into the atmosphere. I am working to understanding these relationships, which will determine the future climate state.


Data, Tools, and Methods

Eddy covariance tower carbon flux measurements (carbon dioxide, methane) in Arctic ecosystems

Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) measurements and products (e.g., GOME-2, CSIF)

Gridded meteorological drivers

Empirically-derived Tundra Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (TVPRM)

Ensemble of TVPRM simulations based on variable behaviors and drivers for 2008-2017

Forty-plus year (1979-current) TVPRM simulation best fit to atmospheric observations

Aircraft and tower observations of carbon dioxide and methane gas concentrations (e.g., Arctic-CAP flights, NOAA Barrow site)

Lagrangian transport modeling (WRF-STILT)